My first luxury love when it comes to handbags was without doubt, Louis Vuitton, blossoming a good few years before I could afford Chanel. These two houses have my heart, and while I can appreciate other brands, these are generally where my purchases will lie. I am a bit more varied when it comes to shoes, but I was slow to branch out with other luxury handbags.
Towards the end of 2019 however, I found myself constantly coming back to the Gucci Marmont bag. I have a pair of the shoes from this range, and intend to add another pair with a lower heel, but I have never really been a lover of Gucci bags. There just hasn’t been any that made me want to pull the trigger and buy them, until the release of the beautiful, sumptuous velvet bags. I first saw the deep fuschia velvet marmont flap bag on Shea Whitney’s youtube channel, then on the Instagram pages of a couple of the lovely ladies I would chat to. The colour looked fabulous, so deep and rich, and I already loved the luxuriousness of velvet.
I started to read reviews, and watch videos, and couldn’t get the colour of the fuschia velvet out of my mind, and the velvet itself, is just divine. I decided to add this bag to my collection. The small velvet Marmont flap bag retails in the UK at £1330.00, although the turquoise version is on sale in my local store for £970.00 I believe.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure how much wear I would get out of the velvet bag, and did wonder if I was buying it more because I am so attracted to the colour and the fabric, rather than for use of the bag. I therefore decided to go down the pre-loved route, and started to look on vestiaire collective, where I have purchased items pre-loved previously. I had also done some research on the pre-loved market, and the bag doesn’t hold its value that well, there are some good deals out there, in excellent condition.
The bag I went for is the small, there is also a mini which I would also have been happy with. The small is around the same size as a medium Chanel classic flap and holds roughly the same items. It does however have the longer strap which allows it to be worn cross body, which is perfect for me. It can also be worn on the shoulder, or the strap can be doubled up and either worn on the shoulder, carried, or in the crook of your arm.
My first impressions of the bag are very good. It is not the same quality as a Chanel leather bag, but then the price point is so much cheaper, and the velvet is a much softer material. It does have a zipped inside pocket, and a lovely lighter pink, satin feel material as lining. The bag itself is soft and malleable, and big enough to carry my daily essentials. The aged gold hardwear is a lovely addition to the bag, and the leather insert to the strap makes it very comfortable to wear. I do not think it is a classic bag, and may not stand the test of time, but certainly for the price, especially mine being pre-loved, and the beauty of the fabric, I feel that it is a good purchase, and one that I am happy to have made.
I hope this was helpful, and thank you for reading! I hope to see you here again soon,
Princessluxlove xx